Welcome to the News section of our website – here you will find a selection of our latest activities and news. Anyone interested in learning more about our work can use the contact page, email us at info@youthagency.co.uk or call us on 0131 442 4015.
Parliamentary Recognition
The Youth Agency is delighted to receive support and recognition from our local MSP Gordon MacDonald who lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament to acknowledge our achievement in gaining the LGBT Youth Scotland Bronze Charter Mark. The full motion read as follows: Motion S5M-14370: Gordon MacDonald, Edinburgh Pentlands, Scottish...
LGBT Bronze Charter Award
The Youth Agency were so delighted to recently become the first voluntary organisation in South West Edinburgh to be awarded the LGBT Youth Scotland Bronze Charter Mark. We were presented with our award in the Pyramid. As promised here are some photos of the event….. Thanks to Ann Marriott who...
Our Rainbow Logo!
You may have noticed that the banner logo on our website has changed. This exciting, and colourful, change is for one day only and is to celebrate two significant events, both of which are happening today. First up, it’s #Nationalcomingout day and the Youth Agency are delighted to be showing...
Sexual Health Work
It’s great to be working with Forrester High School S6 pupils on sexual health. We are three weeks into an eight week programme and enjoying the sessions, and their company, more than ever! We’re looking forward to the next five weeks. Let’s hope it’s just as engaging and enjoyable as...
MVP Launch
As the new school term kicked off The Youth Agency had a wonderful day launching Mentors in Violence Prevention with the entire S6 cohort at Forrester High School. Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP for short) is a project designed to challenge violence, intimidation and bullying behaviour in our schools and...
The Youth Agency’s Sunny July
July at the Youth Agency was all about the sun, warm days, bright nights and planning, planning and more planning! Our drop-in has continued uninterrupted during the summer. Following our fruit bonanza last month, our cooking has stuck with the summer theme. We managed to squeeze in two cooking session...
Visit from MSP Gordon Macdonald
It was a real pleasure to welcome Gordon Macdonald and his office manager, Sarah Masson, to The Youth Agency today. We had a great chat about the area, the issues local young people are facing as well as The Youth Agency and our work. Many thanks to both Gordon and...
June Highlights
June was a busy month at the Youth Agency. As schools, teachers and pupils prepared to pack up for the summer, we bade a very fond farewell to the outgoing sixth year and welcomed the new. The senior pupils enjoyed a hectic few weeks of festivities which began with the...
Award Season!
Massive congratulations to Cerise Gander for winning this year’s Youth Agency Award for Personal Achievement at the Forrester High School awards ceremony. The Youth Agency acknowledges and celebrates academic and sporting attainment at the same time as recognising that success comes in many forms and guises. This award is presented...
Kelpies Supernova Light Run
The Kelpies Supernova 5K Run returns for 2018 with events taking place on Friday 9th November (8pm), Saturday 10th November (7pm) and Sunday 11th November (5pm) promising a spectacular weekend of running for all the family. Kicking off in the evening the run takes place in the dark but, don’t...
Wester Hailes Youth Agency is delighted to be a charity partner of amazon.co.uk through their AmazonSmiles schemes. AmazonSmiles is a way for shoppers to give back to their communities while shopping with the online retailer. It’s wonderfully simple to use. Just select Wester Hailes Youth Agency as your charity partner...
Supermarket Sweep
A huge, heartfelt thank you to Waitrose Morningside for a terrific £340 cheque donated to Wester Hailes Youth Agency as part of their Community Matters Scheme. Our thanks go out to everyone involved in the scheme and to everyone who donated. We are also part of the Tesco Bags of...
Supporting A Tobacco Free Generation
Wester Hailes Youth Agency have recently signed up to ASH Scotland’s Charter for a Tobacco Free Generation. We are delighted to be on board and supporting this worthwhile cause which aims to protect children and young people from the harmful effects of smoking and second hand smoke. We are committed...
Busy school days
It’s been a busy couple of weeks at Forrester High School for the Youth Agency. As well as our usual work, we have been working with all of the first and second year pupils and have had a lot of fun delivering Sexual Health and Relationship Education (SHARE) and drug...
Celebrating Purple Friday!
The Youth Agency were delighted to take part in Purple Friday celebrations today and to show our continued support for the LGBTI community. Our celebrations were enjoyed by young people in the drop-in who made and sold cakes and took part in our purple photo booth. Our purple photo booth...
The Youth Agency AGM
The Youth Agency’s Annual General Meeting will take place at 6pm on Tuesday 27 February 2018 at Wester Hailes Youth Agency...
Christmas Cheer!
Regular followers of the Youth Agency may know that we are not strangers to spreading our Christmas wishes with a bit of a performance – remember the 12 Days of Christmas with a Youth Agency twist! This year, however, we wanted to give something back to the community that use...
Cracking Christmas Party Fun
The week before Christmas can only mean one thing at the Youth Agency – Christmas Party week! Our festive fun and celebrations are now in full swing and being enjoyed by young people and staff alike. Our junior group enjoyed a host of traditional games, each with a festive theme...