Welcome to the News section of our website – here you will find a selection of our latest activities and news. Anyone interested in learning more about our work can use the contact page, email us at info@youthagency.co.uk or call us on 0131 442 4015.
A Trip Down Memory Lane… All About Francine
So following on from last months trip down memory lane with Clare, it is now Francine’s turn to share some of her funniest memories with us....and maybe a picture too! ...
Merry Christmas from the Youth Agency!
Merry Christmas from everyone at the Youth Agency. All clubs will resume on Friday 7th January 2017. We look forward to seeing you all in 2017!...
Warm Inside The Pyramid
A heartfelt thank you to Wester Hailes Land and Property and Development Company for their generous donation which has allowed us to upgrade our outdated heating system and bring it firmly into the 21st Century. ...
Wrapping up Christmas
Christmas is a busy time of year for lots of people. We, therefore, would like to say a big thank you to local MP Joanna Cherry for kindly freeing up the time of her staff to come in and volunteer with us for a day. ...
Youth Agency Drop-In
The school holidays may rapidly becoming to a close, but The Youth Agency is open and keen to continue welcoming young people to our drop-in. Our drop-in times are:...
Drop-In as Usual
Just a reminder for any local young people who are at a loose end during the holidays.... the Pyramid is open as usual. Just in case you've forgotten we are open at the following times: ...