It would seem summer is now upon us and this month Robyn is sharing some of her favourite memories from when she was younger, including her love of dressing up in costumes for her dancing shows!
What was your favourite song/band/type of music growing up?
I liked to mix it up a bit so there was everything from Take That and 5ive to Sterophonics and Metallica….I’m still pretty gutted I have never seen 5ive live!
What was your favourite game/activity?
I loved anything to do with music and even used to be not too shabby on the fiddle, I’m not sure anyone want to hear me play these days though!
What were you like when you were at school? What subjects were good/bad at?
I actually really liked school and sometimes wish I was still there now! My best subjects were probably Sciences and Modern Studies but I was terrible at Art, which if anyone has seen my attempts at drawing in the Pyramid, I haven’t got any better.
“When I was young”……….
I had to wear lots of silly costumes for my dance shows including a sailor, a chimney sweep and a hamburger
Tell us a random fact that no one knows about you…
I helped teach the Romanian wrestling team how to do Scottish Country dancing when I was 15!
What is your secret talent/party trick?
It probably embarrasses my friends but doing country dancing to hip hop music!
What is your favourite memory of working at the Youth Agency?
I think when some of the young people (who are not so young anymore!) were in a band and we had a band night at the Pyramid. They were all really good and even got one of the workers up to sing with them.
What is the funniest thing that has happened when you have been working?
It was actually just after I’d finished working and it had been a “messy fun day” which involved an obstacle course with all sorts of stuff to get covered in. I’m pretty sure the workers were a lot more messy then the young people and when my friend came to pick me up in his new car he refused to let me I until I had been to Tesco, covered in flour and water, to get bin bags to cover myself and the seats in!
If you could invite anyone along to the Pyramid for a night who would it be and why?
Any of my friends! I do speak quite a bit about the Pyramid so it would be great to have them actually see it and see what a good bunch of young people come along (well most of the time).
Why/how did you become a Youth Worker?
I started being a youth worker when I was studying at uni and someone I knew from another job suggested me for a post in Leith. I really enjoyed it, particularly working with and getting to know all the young people. Then I saw the job at the Youth Agency and over 10 years later I’m still here because I still enjoy it as much as the day I started!
What is the worst thing that has happened to you when you have been working?
Apart from turning up at the wrong place for my Youth Agency interview….does that count?!
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